Financial Peace University

Financial Peace? Two words that for many, should not be in the same sentence. I like many others never had any type of Financial knowledge instilled in me growing up which led to HUGE mistakes in my personal finances!  About 5 years ago I ran across a man by the name of Dave Ramsey, his methods and thoughts on money blew me away as they are the complete opposite of main stream thinking, which if you are paying attention to the economy, isn't working very well!

I have personally gone through this course and it has made such an impact on my life I have decided to start administering the course here in Vacaville. If you or someone you know could use a little Financial Peace give me a call so I can let you know of the upcoming classes.

You may also find more information on Facebook here --->  FPU

To your Financial Freedom!

Here is a small preview of the course, Enjoy!